by Nomi Berger
KNOW that you should ALWAYS keep an ID tag attached to your dog’s collar with your phone number and address on it. The three tags your dog should always have on are its TIGR tag (if adopted from TIGR), microchip tag and your identification tag. Be sure to always keep your contact information up to date!
KNOW that if your IG or sighthound is lost contact TIGR immediately at 469-554-2530 and iginfo@txigrescue.org. Let us know when and where your dog was last seen. Next alert neighbors, family and friends and organize a search. Assign someone to print and distribute flyers (the brighter the paper the better) with your dog’s most recent photo and yours and TIGR’s contact information. Create a lost dog flyer here https://www.findtoto.com/lost-pet-flyers/ Post and distribute flyers starting at the point your dog was last seen and fan out in a two to five mile radius. Remember IGs run up to 25 mph and when frightened can travel several miles a day. Take flyers to the local shelters, police departments, vet clinics and emergency animal hospitals in the area. This will ensure that everyone knows what your dog looks like and to be on the lookout.
Post a notice on your personal Facebook page and make sure your privacy setting is “public” so it can be shared. Post your pet on as many “Lost Dog” websites and FaceBook pages as you can find. There are some services that charge a fee to call all your neighbors and vet offices within a certain mile radius, https://www.petamberalert.com/and http://www.lostmydoggie.com/ are two that have good reviews. Get it out there fast and often! Find a local pet “detective” to help in your search. Other websites to help you get your dog back https://nextdoor.com/ or your Home Owners Association (HOA) website. Also post a “Lost Dog” ad on Craigslist under PETS and LOST AND FOUND, and keep checking under FOUND dogs as well. Renew your ad frequently to keep it at the top of the page.
KNOW that once your dog’s flight response wears off and they stop running, fear will instinctively force them into survival mode. They will likely hide and sleep during the day and search for food and water from dusk to dawn. Locate any water sources in your area and check them frequently. Set up a feeding station with their favorite yummy treats, smelly food (cat food, canned tuna or salmon) and have a blanket, bed or tee shirt with their and your scent nearby. When you see your dog, sit or lie on the ground and gently call and encourage them to come to you. DO NOT CHASE as this will likely frighten your dog even more. When looking for your dog, keep calm and DO NOT CHASE. Keep your voice upbeat and happy. Shake a treat bag or jingle your car keys and use words like treats, cookies, chow-chow, dinner time, let’s go for a ride - whatever represents familiarity and safety to your dog. Stay hopeful and stay persistent. Keep TIGR updated on every sighting with location and time, where you have looked and where you need help looking. Update all your postings to keep people aware and on the alert.
KNOW that TIGR has found more lost dogs than not and we are here to help you every step of the way.
KNOW that, most of all, TIGR is always available to help!
Artiles by Nomi Berger. Nomi is the best selling author of seven novels, one work of non-fiction and two volumes of poetry. She lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with her adopted Maltese, Mini, and volunteers her writing skills to animal rescue groups in Canada and the USA.